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Creo Parametric 2.0 with Patch

PTC Creo Parametric is a robust, scalable 3D product design toolset with the power, flexibility, and speed to help you accelerate the product development process.


  • Part and Assembly Modeling
  • Manufacturing Drawings
  • Freeform and Technical Surfacing
  • Sheet Metal Modeling
  • Framework and Weld Design
  • Structural Analysis
  • Mechanism Design
  • Photo Rendering and Design Animation
  • Data Import and Repair
  • Complete Library of Parts, Features, Tools and More   

Features and Benefits

Creo Parametric is a scalable offering of integrated product design tools that allow you to design faster than ever, while maximizing innovation and quality to ultimately create exceptional products:

  • 3D Solid Modeling
  • Robust Assembly Modeling
  • Detailed Documentation Including 2D and 3D Drawings
  • Technical Surfacing
  • Revolutionary Warp Technology
  • Sheetmetal Modeling
  • Digital Human Modeling
  • Weld Modeling and Documentation

  • Analysis Features
  • Real-Time Photo Rendering
  • Integrated Design Animation
  • Integrated NC Capabilities
  • Data Exchange
  • Web Capabilities Provide Instant Access
  • Complete Library of Parts, Features, Tools and More


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