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Boson Netsim Network Simulator 10.8.5652.27992_Full Version

Boson Netsim Network Simulator 10  is associate degree application that simulates Cisco Systems’ networking hardware and software system and is meant to assist the user in learning the Cisco IOS command structure.
NetSim utilizes Bosons proprietary Network machine, Router machine and EROUTER software system technologies, together with the particle Virtual Packet Technology engine, to form individual packets. These packets ar routed and switched through the simulated network, permitting NetSim to create associate degree applicable virtual routing table and simulate true networking. alternative simulation merchandise on the market don’t support this level of practicality.

NetSim for CCNP ten is meant to assist you know the Cisco IOS command structure, and it supports the technologies and skills needed for the CCNP certification.
Cisco CCNP Network machine and Switch SimulatorNetSim ten for CCNP includes labs for the ROUTE, SWITCH and TSHOOT technologies. NetSim for CCNP conjointly contains all of the NetSim for CCNA 200-120 labs, that makes it the most effective price for people learning for the CCNA 200-120 and CCNP certification exams

Steps For Installation:

  1.  Extract Setup folder.
  2. Install Setup in Setup Folder.
  3. Create Folder C:\Boson\
  4. Extract mscon43demo folder.
  5. Copy mscon43demo.dll file to C:\Boson\ folder.
  6. Extract Patched folder.
Copy all the files to Program Installation directory.(Just overwrite.)

Download Link


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